(Article By Chayan Sen, Funding Associate, SCPL)
Renewable Energy Research and Technology Development (RETD) Programme of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for implementation during the period 2017-18 to 2019- 20 at a total cost of Rs. 175.87 crore. The scheme will continue till March 31st, 2021 The scheme aims at scaling up R&D effort for Renewable Energy Research and Technology Development. The objective of the scheme is to support the R&D projects for technology development and demonstration in various areas of new and renewable energy such as solar thermal systems, solar photovoltaic systems, biogas systems, waste to energy systems, wind energy systems, hybrid systems, storage systems, hydrogen and fuel cells, geothermal, etc. with the ultimate aim of increasing share of renewables in the energy mix in the country.
The R&D efforts are expected to make industry competitive and renewable energy generation supply self-sustainable/ profitable. The technology development and demonstration will be supported for manufacture of new and renewable energy systems/ devices/ components for different applications including transportation, portable and stationary applications for rural, urban, industrial, and commercial sectors .
The implementation mechanism of the programme would be R&D, Test Labs, Centres of Excellence and Start Ups:
• The scheme will be implemented by R&D / academic institutions/ industries, etc. across the country. Research Groups engaged in R&D/academic institutions, engineering colleges (both public and private approved by government accredited body),industries, other organizations, etc. engaged in R&D for promotion of new and renewable energy will be supported for taking up research, development and demonstration projects for technology development integrating innovation for continuous improvement of technologies/systems/ process. However, technology demonstration will be taken up either at implementing institutions or in the field at utility in the case of project taken up in partnership with institutions/ industry/utility.
• The scheme will be implemented in the form of projects with identified deliverables. The project proposals will be invited in thrust areas of MNRE in place of normal submission of project proposals by investigators, which will be done by the Ministry through its website/ national dailies from time to time. The proposal will be submitted as per prescribed format. The proposals should be supported with proper appraisal by a Project Appraisal Committee taking
• Project’s cost will involve project manpower, equipment, instrumentation, fabrication and installation, performance evaluation, improvement in system, design, manpower, travel, contingency, overhead charges for the implementing institutions, etc. as per policy and guidelines of MNRE. Projects in partnership with industry will involve cost sharing with them, up to 50% of the total cost. • For implementation of the project, the temporary manpower i.e. SRF, JRF and RA etc. shall be hired in the R&D project based on their expertise/professional qualification in the RE field depending upon availability. The hiring of the manpower will be purely on a temporary basis with a condition that there will be no liability of such staff for confirmation by the government. The staff services shall discontinue immediately after the project duration expires.